Patrick Bell, left, of the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan, and Marnie Mennell, second from left, a teacher at Summerland Secondary School, along with students in an after-school fitness program, show some of the recently purchased fitness equipment.

Patrick Bell, left, of the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan, and Marnie Mennell, second from left, a teacher at Summerland Secondary School, along with students in an after-school fitness program, show some of the recently purchased fitness equipment.

Exercise club receives funding

An after-school exercise club at Summerland Secondary School has received money to purchase exercise equipment.

An after-school exercise club at Summerland Secondary School has received money to purchase exercise equipment.

The grant of $2,557.24 came from the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen to purchase stationary fitness bikes, weighted exercise bars, resistance bands and yoga mats.

The program at the school is free to students.

Marnie Mennell, a teacher at the high school, has a female group fitness class every Thursday after school.

Around 12 people attend each week. More than 50 students have attended at various times.

The fitness room is also open for other groups and individuals.

The fitness program was started in spring and at the time, a portable was used to house the program.

Mennell said the fitness equipment was old and not safe. It was also heavy and not inclusive to all levels.

A room in the school is now used for the fitness program and Mennell said more students are now using the equipment and taking part in the classes.


Summerland Review