Helen Hill celebrates her 100th birthday. She was born July 18, 1911 at Sundial, Alta.

Helen Hill celebrates her 100th birthday. She was born July 18, 1911 at Sundial, Alta.

Happy 100th

Helen Hill

Helen Hill is the first Vernon Restholm resident to turn 100.

She was born July 18, 1911 at Sundial, Alta. and went to school there in the school van which was drawn by horses.

“School was all right. I had to go, you know, they wouldn’t let me stay home,” she said.

What she did like to do was sew, and after she married and moved to Claresholm, Alta., she had her own tailor shop making all kinds of clothes, including men’s suits.

She and her husband had three children but two of them died young. Hill has three grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.

She moved to Vernon six years ago.

“I was always busy. There was so much to do. Now I don’t do much but I like it here,” she said.

Daughter Grace Doyle knows she’s lucky to have her mother still with the family.

“Mom just lived a good, kind life. She keeps us all on our toes and laughing,” she said.


Vernon Morning Star