Historian lecture: Did Jesus really exist?

The Centre for Inquiry hosts historian Dr. Richard Carrier at French Cultural Centre for Oct. 17 lecture.

About a third of the world’s population is Christian. Christianity requires a deep conviction of the validity of the charismatic leader Jesus Christ who purportedly was born and died approximately 2000 years ago.

But did Jesus really exist, as an historical human being? Or was he originally an archangel seen only in visions and scripture, and only later were earthly stories invented about him, which later churches then sold as the truth?

The Okanagan branch of the Centre for Inquiry (CFI) welcomes Dr. Richard Carrier—a world-renowned historian, author and speaker. He is also a published philosopher, and prominent defender of the freethought movement. Carrier specializes in the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, particularly ancient philosophy, religion, and science, with emphasis on the origins of Christianity and the use and progress of science under the Roman empire. He  has appeared across the U.S., Canada and the U.K., and on American television and London radio.

Carrier presents his controversial findings in his new book, The Historicity of Jesus, and will share them Friday, Oct. 17, in downtown Kelowna. There will be opportunity for respectful conversation and inquiry after the talk.

Friday October 17, 702 Bernard Ave (French Cultural Centre), 7:30pm.

Tickets at the door $5 cash, or via Eventbrite: www.jesus-history.eventbrite.ca (There will also be contests—cash only—to win some wonderful prizes, including some very interesting ancient coins).

Carrier has also agreed to continue the conversation and answer questions on any topic during an informal seminar at UBCO on the morning of Saturday Oct. 18.

Saturday October 18, Informal Q&A Seminar, UBC Okanagan. Engineering, Management & Education Building (EME), Room 2181. 9:30am-11:30am.

Free. Campus map, showing visitor parking in lots E and H: www.ok.ubc.ca/campusmap/

The Centre for Inquiry promotes and advances reason, science, secularism and freedom of inquiry in all areas of human endeavour. For more info, go to www.cfiokanagan.ca or contact Zena Ryder: zryder@cficanada.ca or 250-868-1473.


Kelowna Capital News