Hopper: Symptoms of depression can be lifted

Dynamic Neural Retraining System can help lift physical and mental symptoms.

“Recovery is beyond anything that I could have imagined”

For five long and tortuous years, Paula had suffered from anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder. The symptoms of depression started soon after her sons were born. But Paula did not tell anyone how she was feeling.  She hid her feelings like a dirty secret.  Often she felt shameful for feeling the way that she did.  After all, shouldn’t she be happy?  She had two healthy boys and really had nothing to complain about.  Life was good – or so it seemed from the outside looking in.  But inside, Paula felt as if she was dying a very slow and painful death.

Then bizarre physical symptoms started to happen. Weird symptoms that she couldn’t explain.  Constant pain and aching in her neck and shoulders, headaches, numbness and tingling, loss of balance, feeling overwhelmed by the smallest of sounds and sensitivities to electro magnetic fields.  It felt uncontrollable.

Paula saw a number of different health care professionals during this time, searching for relief and answers. At one point she was told that her symptoms might be multiple sclerosis and was followed by an MS clinic for four years. But the treatments that she received did not help.  She was becoming increasingly more depressed and disconnected from life.

Paula found out about my program through a friend of hers and immediately signed up to attend the Dynamic Neural Retraining System.  Paula describes the changes that have taken place since she took the program two years ago.

“Annie gives us the tools and the strategies to help heal our limbic systems from trauma. And when this underlying cause is addressed the rest just falls into place naturally. It’s nothing short of a miracle.”
“The changes that I have experienced since taking this program and committing to daily practice have been beyond amazing and beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I felt a shift immediately during the program and that just gave me the momentum and the desire to want to commit to this.

“The daily positive changes that were happening kept me on focus and on track.

“I felt more awake than I had ever felt and my mental fog was lifted. I could hear the whispers of my heart – like my soul was coming alive. I was no longer living with all these negative thoughts in my head.

“Then my body was responding physically.  Symptoms just started vanishing. I was no longer living in fear; I was like this kid.  It felt like my eyes were wide open and everything that I was seeing was like the first time.

“I went into this program with the hopes of physically healing and the mental and emotional healing that occurred was the greatest side effect ever. The freedom I feel to this day is beyond amazing. My soul has been set free and I’m no longer held back by my limitations and my limbic system is running on a new program. I am available for all opportunities that come my way.

“This program stopped the financial bleed 100%. And really, it’s the best dollars I’ve ever invested. It’s given me the greatest return and you can’t put a price on your health. Without it you really do have nothing.”

If you would like to experience this kind of freedom for yourself, please join us at our next program in B.C.  We have a few spots remaining in our August program at the Ocean Resort on Vancouver Island.  Early bird deadline is June 30. Email info@dnrsystem.com or call 512-541-4580.


Kelowna Capital News