Jack Russells to perform

With nose to the ground and some dogged determination some Jack Russell terriers will show off their skills at a competition at the Parksville Community Park Sunday, Sept. 25.

These participants in last year’s scarecrow competition at Tiger Lily Farm had a nursing them.

These participants in last year’s scarecrow competition at Tiger Lily Farm had a nursing them.

With nose to the ground and some dogged determination some Jack Russell terriers will show off their skills at a competition at the Parksville Community Park Sunday, Sept. 25.

The Vancouver Island Jack Russell Terrier Club is hosting a Go-to-Ground contest that will utilize a maze made up of scented wooden tunnels. At the end, a grill separates the dog from the protected quarry.

The hounds must navigate the quarry using their nose.

Each dog is individually timed and the pooch having the shortest time navigating to the end and staying focused on the quarry at the end for a minimum of one minute is given the highest mark.

Points are deducted if the dog leaves the quarry.

A favorite for most “Earth Dogs” or terriers the Go-to-Ground is ideal for Yorkshire terriers, border terriers, terrier cross breeds, Jack Russell terriers, dachshunds, papillions and similar size hunting breeds — 16 inches in height at the shoulders.

A “Jumps and Tunnels” course will also be available as fun for all dog breeds regardless of their size.

Registration is from 10 to 10:30 a.m. with the event going at 11 a.m. and wrapping up around 1 p.m.

For more information contact Chrissie Nolan at 250-751-8252 or visit www.vijrtc.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News