JCI Vernon members are busy fundraising this year in order to send four delegates from the local chapter to the Junior Chamber International World Congress in Kanazawa, Japan in November.
On Sunday, these delegates are partnering with Kawakubo Japanese Restaurant to hold a Sushi and Sake Night.
“It’s similar to a burger and beer fundraiser,” said Hailey Rilkoff, JCI Vernon member and one of the members travelling to Japan this fall. “It’s great because it supports both the JCI Vernon chapter while partnering with a local business.”
Tickets are $30 each and include soup, two and a half sushi rolls and the choice of sake or Japanese beer, with 50 per cent of the ticket price going directly to help pay for the World Congress conference fees.
“We’re incredibly excited to attend the JCI World Congress in Kanazawa, both for the leadership training and the cultural experience,” said Amy Markin, another of the four members travelling in the fall. “The chance to travel as a JCI Vernon delegate representing my community and my chapter is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
In addition to the trainings, seminars and opportunity to connect with JCI members from around the world, this World Congress will also be celebrating 100 years of JCI impact around the world.
Tickets for the Sushi and Sake Night can be purchased directly from Kawakubo at 3315-30th Ave. or by calling 250-308-4785. The event takes place Sunday at 7 p.m., and limited tickets are available. JCI Vernon will also be selling water by donation every Thursday at the Civic Sounds concerts from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. as an additional fundraiser.
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JCI (Junior Chamber International) Canada’s mission is to create the country’s future leaders by providing development opportunities that allow young people to create positive change in themselves, their communities, Canada and the world.
“We strive to make the world a better place to live for all of us,” said Markin.
For more information, check out the group’s local web site at www.jcivernon.com