Making Delta history

Delta Council and the Heritage Advisory Commission scholarships handed out.

Aaron Meier of Delta Secondary School is the recipient of the 2012 Heritage Commission Scholarship in the amount of $750 courtesy of Delta Council and the Heritage Advisory Commission.

Meier’s submission, a video titled The Delta Princess: A Historical Analysis, documents the last ferry which connected Ferry Road in Ladner to Woodward’s Landing in Richmond.

Alexander Gaio of Delta Secondary School placed second in the competition, receiving a $375 scholarship for his creation of the website: Delta, A Vibrant Heritage, which is available at The website provides access to information, maps and photos of Delta’s noteworthy heritage sites.

Three students from Sands Secondary School received honourable mentions for their submissions:

• Adam Patterson for his collage of several bird species that are an integral part of Delta’s natural heritage.

• Monica Nederend for her poem Bog, which provides a personal reflection on Burns Bog as part of Delta’s ecological heritage.

• Curtis Hacault for his essay titled The Journey, which tells the story of his grandfather as a Norwegian immigrant to the Annieville area of North Delta.

“It is wonderful to see youth in our community embracing our heritage and recognizing the inherent value of our past and its contribution towards shaping Delta into the community it is today,” said Mayor Lois Jackson. “Delta Council and the Heritage Commission are pleased to support youth pursuing post-secondary studies through this annual competition.”

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