Moorecroft artist chosen

Lyndia Terre selected by The Nature Trust to help with fundrasing for Moorecroft park

Lyndia Terre will be The Nature Trust of B.C.’s first Artist in Residence and will be working at Moorecroft Regional Park until next spring.

Lyndia Terre will be The Nature Trust of B.C.’s first Artist in Residence and will be working at Moorecroft Regional Park until next spring.

Her photography, drawings and poetry are often inspired by nature, so it seemed a natural fit that Lyndia Terre would be The Nature Trust of B.C.’s first Artist in Residence.

The property the Nanoose Bay artist will be working on this year is Moorecroft Regional Park, recently acquired by the Regional District of Nanaimo and The Nature Trust (TNT), the latter which is still fundraising for its share of the acquisition, aiming at contributing $500,000.

Terre said she’s excited about being The Nature Trusts’ first Artist in Residence, adding it sets an important precedent for other TNT properties. 

“It means an artist is generously offering time and their curiosity to examining a piece of property and it opens up the door for other artists to affiliate themselves with other properties.”

It is also close to Terre’s gallery so when her work on the property is finished next spring, an exhibition can be held close by in the summer. Before she stepped foot on the property Terre knew little of Moorecroft’s splendor, but since she’s been walking the trails, she was begun to learn from it, she said.

“I think its got huge diversity,” she said. “It’s got the feeling of old growth trees, it has this continuous sense of contact with the ocean, it has views from every single corner and yet its got incredible undergrowth,” she said.

Terre has already been photographing the textures of the bark, the patterns of the leaves and needles and writing poems and doing sketches about “delicious discoveries” like a little wildflower she stumbled across on the property.

To donate to The Nature Trust of B.C.’s Moorecroft project call 1-866-288-7878 or visit and click on Moorecroft Camp under Call to Action. 

For more in Lyndia Terre visit

A sneak preview of some of Terre’s recent work, including the etchings she is very well known for, can be seen at a Moorecroft fundraiser happening at Pacific Shores Resort and Spa this weekend.

The event, called Splash, will be a garden party displaying the work of five local artists as well as gourmet appetizers, wine and beer tasting, live music, a silent auction and “fun-raising” games. 

The featured artists are Dan Gray, Debbie Goodman, Joyce Hedges, Ilse Holling and Lyndia Terre and live music will be played by Rob Kennedy. The Landing West Coast Grill will be serving appetizers along with cheese from Little Qualicum Cheeseworks.

Splash takes place Saturday, Aug. 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. Tickets are $40 available on the Nature Trust’s website or by calling toll free 1-866-288-7878.

All funds raised will go towards the purchase price and restoration work of important facilities and nature trails of Moorecroft Regional Park.


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