Observer archives

1911 A movement which has proven a very popular one is that of observing the second Sunday in May as “Mother’s Day” by wearing a white carnation. Although only started last year it has already spread widely. In Canada the sponsor for the movement is W.G. Rook, of Toronto, president of Canadian Home Journal.


1921 The first big ball game of the season will be played at Tappen on May 24 next, and is sure to draw a big crowd as  it will be followed by a big dance to be held at the Victory Hall in the evening. A $20 prize is being awarded to the winner of the game. The entry fee for same is $5 and the first game is played at 11 o’clock. Admission will be: gents, $1, ladies 50 cents. Those taking baskets will be admitted free.


1931 On Monday evening the executive of the Chamber of Commerce tendered farewell to Mr. W.B. Piers, manager of the Bank of Montreal who was transferred to Port Haney. About a dozen attended and Mr. C.C. Barker presided. Everyone present had some good word to say of their departing member and the expressions of regret were many and sincere.Those attending were Messrs. C.C.Barker, Mayor Thomson, Major Metford, Capt. Rattray, and others.


1941 At the thirty-fourth meeting of the Salmon Arm Farmers’ exchange held in the Institute hall on Monday afternoon, there were some 40 shareholders present, but the meeting passed off easily without any adverse comments. It has been brought to the attention of the local police that an unnecessary amount of damage has been done to boats belonging to members of the Salmon Arm Boat Club. This matter has been given strict attention, and several youths found loitering in the vicinity have been warned. Any further offenders will be severely dealt with, parents of offenders who are under age will be held responsible.


Salmon Arm Observer