Members of the North Okanagan Pipes and Drums, led by pipe major Don McLeod (second from left) work on their skills.

Members of the North Okanagan Pipes and Drums, led by pipe major Don McLeod (second from left) work on their skills.

Pipers appreciate support

North Okanagan Pipes and Drums is nurturing the Celtic arts in youth ages 11 to 20

The North Okanagan Pipes and Drums is dedicated to promoting the culture of Scotland.

The band currently has 10 young members ranging in age from 11 to 20.

“It is very difficult for some families to purchase expensive instruments and equipment, so it has been a great help for many organizations and individuals who have made donations of bagpipes, drums and cash to the group,” said Don McLeod, pipe major.

“Over the past several years we have received cash donations from the Eagles, the Oyama Royal Canadian Legion, Lake Country and Vernon city councils, the Sons of Scotland, Army Navy and Airforce Veterans and the Elks Lodge as well as five sets of bagpipes, a bass drum, several sets of drum sticks and pads and several practice chanters. The band is extremely grateful to all who have donated these items and the cash to bring some of them up to working order and the purchase of uniforms.”

Anyone who would like to donate an old set of bagpipes or Highland gear or would like more information about the band, can contact McLeod at 250-260-1001


Vernon Morning Star