Police report

Police news and activity from the Summerland RCMP detachment.

Assault charges

A 14-year-old Summerland male is facing charges of assault after an incident at Main Street and Kelly Avenue the afternoon of Nov. 15.

He has been released from custody and ordered to have no contact with the victim.

Failed breathalyser

The 30-year-old male driver of a 1992 Jeep Cherokee failed a roadside breath test the evening of Nov. 17 and was given a 90-day driving suspension.

The vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

Speeder caught

The driver of a 1998 Pontiac Sunfire was given a roadside breathlayser test Nov. 18 and had his licence suspended for 90 days and his vehicle impounded for 30 days.

He was stopped by police for travelling at a high rate of speed.

Roadside stops

Summerland RCMP are stepping up their roadside checkpoints as the holiday season approaches.

They remind everyone to drive sober and safely.


Summerland Review