Power up

Paul Boudreault of the Nanaimo Athletic Club tests a spin bicycle in preparation of the club’s 24-hour spin-a-thon fundraiser Oct. 15 in support of the Nanaimo and District Hospital Foundation

  • Oct. 8, 2011 11:00 a.m.
Paul Boudreault of the Nanaimo Athletic Club tests a spin bicycle in preparation of the club’s 24-hour spin-a-thon fundraiser Oct. 15 in support of the Nanaimo and District Hospital Foundation. Spin classes take place throughout the event and funds are raised through riders’ collecting pledges based on the amount of wattage they produce on a bike. For more information, please call 250-716-1111, or go to www.nanaimoathleticclub.com.

Paul Boudreault of the Nanaimo Athletic Club tests a spin bicycle in preparation of the club’s 24-hour spin-a-thon fundraiser Oct. 15 in support of the Nanaimo and District Hospital Foundation. Spin classes take place throughout the event and funds are raised through riders’ collecting pledges based on the amount of wattage they produce on a bike. For more information, please call 250-716-1111, or go to www.nanaimoathleticclub.com.

Nanaimo News Bulletin