Stingers to the morons who think it’s still summer driving.
Stars to whoever shovelled the snow in front of my place.
Stars to the guy who dropped off an afternoon treat at the office. Mmmm nanaimo bars.
Stingers to the people who left beer bottles on the walking trails and pedestrian bridge.
Stars to the Golden Nordic Club for having awesome ski trails.
Stars to the Wolf’s Den for the great meal on Thursday night.
Stingers to people who shop for themselves in December and ruin their Christmas presents.
Stars to my hamburger buddy. I can’t wait to share a hamburger with you again.
Stars to the Golden Fire Department for helping Santa off the float at the Santa Claus Parade.
Stingers to the people who annouce how drunk they are while walking home at 2 a.m.
Stars to Ron at Classic Touring for going the extra mile. Your patience and kindness was much appreciated.
Stingers to Jack Frost for nipping at my nose.