Stars and Stingers: Sept. 26

A Stinger to the person who entered my home and stole my antique WWII walking cane.

  • Sep. 26, 2012 8:00 a.m.

Stars to the new Source store for upgrading my birthday TV. I love it.

A Stinger to the person who entered my home and stole my antique WWII walking cane that was given to me by my father. He got it when they stormed Hitler’s barracks. I know who you are and police have been notified. It’s in your interest to please return it to me.

Stars the Chris and Martijn Duijts of the Fire Pit restaurant for supporting Golden and District search and rescue with a free meal.

Stars to all the people who donated funds to Willhorse to get their album made. Can’t wait til it’s done!

Stingers to whoever vandalized the women’s washroom in the Spirit Square.

Stingers to all the people who leave a trail of their garbage on the way home from the bar. The rest of us are left to clean it up on Sunday morning.

Stars to Tim Hortons and their staff for making Smile Cookies all week, and donating the funds to the Mother Goose program.

Stingers to my neighbours for waking me up at 4 a.m… again!

A Star to my coworker for all the free coffee.


Golden Star