Youth Transforming Society with a recent haul.

Youth Transforming Society with a recent haul.

Teens take a stand

Youth Transforming Society helps Canadian Red Cross efforts overseas as well as local fundraising efforts.

  • Apr. 25, 2012 5:00 p.m.

Seaquam Secondary and Panorama Ridge Grade 11 students Amanbir Atwal, Kiran Mann, Amneet Athwal, and Livleen Pannu founded the Youth Transforming Society (YTS) after seeing the devastation from the Haitian Tsunami in 2010.

Over two years, the group made fundraising efforts for Haiti and Japan following last year’s earthquake and tsunami.

YTS, grown to 10 members this year, spent two weeks in spring break walking their neighbourhoods asking for donations of cans and bottles.

With their collection, as well as some cash donations from local business, YTS collected $1,750 for West Africa – money conveyed through the Canadian Red Cross.

The group’s upcoming events include a “Flowers for Happiness” campaign, in which they will hand-make flowers to give to a local women’s shelter on Mother’s Day, and a run for the BC Heart and Stroke Foundation in August at Bear Creek Park.

For more information or to donate, email

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