The view from Baldy Mountain

Dunn Peak looms in the distance in a photo taken from Baldy Mountain recently

Dunn Peak looms in the distance in a photo taken from Baldy Mountain recently.

Dunn Peak looms in the distance in a photo taken from Baldy Mountain recently.

Main photo: Dunn Peak looms in the distance in a photo taken from Baldy Mountain recently. Baldy is accessible by a logging road from near Dunn Lake, although the last part of the road is more suitable for a quad. Climbing to the top of Dunn from Baldy and back is usually done in two days although some have done it in less.   All photos by Neal Broswick

lookoutLeft: A disused forestry lookout (centre) and two smaller buildings sit at the highest point on Baldy Mountain, which is essentially a wide ridge.








mine tunnelLeft: A small tunnel gives access to the old Windpass Mine. The mine operated from 1916 to 1939, providing much-needed employment during the Dirty Thirties.






Below: A tailings pile near the old Windpass Mine on Baldy gives a small indication about how much debris was removed during the operation. The ore was transported by aerial cable-car down the mountain to near Dunn Lake.


Clearwater Times