Wow what a great Fall Fair we had; the best ever I think

I feel I must keep up on my news and this week it will be a bit short I am afraid.

I feel I must keep up on my news and this week it will be a bit short I am afraid.

I just returned from the hospital in Terrace yesterday from eye surgery. I am just working on one eye so it’s a bit confusing believe me.

Fall Fair

Our Lakes District Fall Fair and music festival has come and gone. But the fur that went with it all will remain with us for a very long time.

Meeting old friends and making new ones is a great part of a fair. Now the nitty gritty part of it.

This fair was the best ever, we have had some good fairs but this last one topped them all. The best part of a fair is to keep everyone busy and happy and we had it and gave it.

There was always something going on. The young peoples sports was busy for everyday.

A busy kid is a happy kid and they were all busy and happy. The music was very good but the power outage really messed things up for a while especially the Lone Spur group.

It also made supper  about an hour late. The grounds were special, so well laid out and so convenient for everything.

Then the new buildings just made for a wonderful fair. The team penning, the heavy horse pull, stock dog show, the livestock showing and judging and many more.

I just can’t keep track of it. This was a fair of all fairs. I must remember the roast beef dinner too, what a dinner. We must not forget the stage and the superb sound system plus the dance floor and it was sure used and big time.

Now the big most important thing and those are the folks that gave hours and hours of their time and their knowledge in putting together something this size and so important, hats off to you all.

There was not one flaw in the whole show it all went so well and ran so smooth. Richard Cannon is more or less the spearhead of it all, he is a nice guy and folks enjoy working with him too. The weather has a lot to do with it all too and it was also great.

We are already looking forward to next years fall fair. I hope I have given praise where praise is due to all and everybody.

Surprise birthday

On Saturday evening at the legion hall there was a surprise birthday party dinner and dance for Dianne Killman. Both her aunts were present Sylvia Lindass from Winnipeg and Hillary Routley from Creston.

Hillary and Sylvia are Partington sisters long time residents of Francois Lake. It was a pleasure for me to also be invited to the party.

The Partington family were our neighbours in Saskatchewan and then became our neighbours and very close friends at Francois Lake.

Hillary came out and stayed the night with me and what the talking of old times, we talked about almost 70 years of being very close friends. What wonderful memories we both have.

All is well

On Saturday last (fair day) Bob Minger had a nasty accident across from the old Joe Holder property.

He was very luck as the old saying goes you can repair a vehicle but you can’t bring back a life.

How or why the accident happened I don’t know.

Shorter days

Although we have only got into September things are already starting to slow down.

Days are a bit shorter, it’s a bit cooler so it seems summer is slipping away.

I keep asking myself this questions where did our summer go? It just seems to slip way so fast, too fast.


Ranchers still trying to finish off the haying. Although I have lived here for 70 years this has been the latest haying I can think of.

Although one year we finished after school opened, this is the only time I can remember being so late. Mother mentioned this is her diary and also remarked that is was very bad winter and very cold but no date.

St. Luke’s

I realize now how very quick a deserted building can deteriorate. I went into the little deserted St. Luke’s church on the corner last week.

Already the front door is starting to drag meaning and foundations are needing some lifting and leveling up.

I just wonder if the anarchy of the Anglican Church in Prince Rupert realize what has happened or do they care, I think not.

Why not turn it over to some other church that could open the doors and once more hold services again. I am no doubt barking up the wrong tree.

Now is the time for a fish story

There were two old fisherman, Pete and Charlie, they loved to fish but could never get to fish at the same time.

So they would meet in the local bar and compare fish stories. So Pete started the story of the fish he caught this morning it was over two feet long.

He asked how Charlie made out. So Charlie told him his catch, on the first cast I picked up a big old barn lantern and the funny part was it was still lit.

Pete told Charlie that it was a good story but I’ll tell you, if you blow out your lantern I’ll take a foot of my fish.

Something to think about

Last night on CBC news, no doubt many folks saw it but it was rather a shocker, at least to me.

In big letters it stated the three biggest killers are heart, diabetes and cancer.

They kill more people than anything else. We are slowing these three down but they still are our number one killers.

We have already come along way in finding cures but we must keep at it.

It’s scary to think of the number of cancer victims we have lost in our district during the last year.

Take care, slow down and watch the road, the life you save could be your own.

Remember God loves you and so do I.


Burns Lake Lakes District News

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