With hot weather forecast for this weekend, Environment Canada is recommending people taking precautions before heading out into the sun. (Nanaimo News Bulletin file)

With hot weather forecast for this weekend, Environment Canada is recommending people taking precautions before heading out into the sun. (Nanaimo News Bulletin file)

30 C temperatures forecast all weekend in Nanaimo

Environment Canada suggests precautions for hot summer days

  • Aug. 15, 2020 12:00 a.m.

With the above average temperatures and a high UV index expected this weekend, officials recommend people in Nanaimo take precautions when going out in the sun.

According to Environment Canada, the high for Nanaimo on Saturday, Aug. 15 is forecast at 30 C and the high for Sunday, Aug. 16 is forecast to be 33 C. The UV index for both Saturday and Sunday is 8, classified as ‘very high.’

If people don’t take precautions, they can suffer sunburn quickly if they venture outside, says Environment Canada, and it recommends avoiding sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and wearing a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

The average high for Aug. 15 is 24.4 C, according to Environment Canada, while the average for Aug. 16 is 24.3 C. The record high for Aug. 15 was 33.1 C, which occurred in 2010 and the record high for Aug. 16 was 34.5 C, which occurred in 1977.

Cooler temperatures are expected for the start of the work week, with a high of 27 C forecast for Monday, Aug. 17.

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