RCMP. (Phil McLachlan/Capital News)

$500,000 damage caused to bulldozers after attempted theft near Vanderhoof

Bulldozers hotwired on Barlow Lake Forest Service Road, says RCMP

  • May. 25, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Vanderhoof RCMP is investigating an attempted theft after a couple of bulldozers sustained half a million dollars worth of damage after being hotwired.

Police responded to Barlow Lake Forest Service Road northwest of Vanderhoof on Wednesday, May 19, and upon attendance, found it appeared someone had been “off-roading” and got their vehicle stuck in the mud.

“The individual(s) then hotwired a nearby D8 bulldozer in an attempt to pull their vehicle out of the mud,” North District RCMP Cpl. Madonna Saunderson said in a news release.

Read More: Soft road conditions force restricted access to forest service roads in Omineca Natural Resource Region

“The bulldozer also became stuck in the mud, at which point the individual(s) hotwired a second D8 bulldozer, pulled their vehicle out of the mud and departed the area.”

Damage to the bulldozers is estimated at approximately $500,000.

Anyone with information is asked to contact RCMP or Crime Stoppers.

Read More: Multiple break-and-enters reported to Vanderhoof RCMP

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Vanderhoof Omineca Express