A film crew shoots the film ‘A Christmas Tree Grows in Brooklyn’ at the Hope Fire Department’s Hall 1 on 3 Avenue on July 20, 2020. Emelie Peacock/Hope Standard

A film crew shoots the film ‘A Christmas Tree Grows in Brooklyn’ at the Hope Fire Department’s Hall 1 on 3 Avenue on July 20, 2020. Emelie Peacock/Hope Standard

A Christmas miracle? ‘Snow’ observed in Hope on blistering hot July day

The Hope Fire Hall 1 was decked out for a Christmas-themed film shoot Monday

  • Jul. 20, 2020 12:00 a.m.

As the temperature in Hope soared to 30 degrees in one of the hottest days of the summer thus far, by some kind of Christmas miracle ‘snow’ still managed to fall outside of the Hope fire hall.

A plastic version of the white stuff was observed coating the 3 avenue sidewalk Monday (July 20), where a crew from the production ‘A Christmas Tree Grows in Brooklyn’ were in the middle of their first day of shooting. The film is one of several productions starting up in Hollywood North after a nearly industry-wide shutdown in March.

Productions were given the go ahead to restart in early June provided they devise a safety plan and follow WorkSafe protocols that cover all aspects of film including catering, transportation, make up and costumes.

Read more: B.C. film industry given go-ahead to restart productions halted due to COVID-19

As with most films in production mode, the actual content of this project is kept a closely guarded secret. However a write up searching for extras stated that the film is “a love story about a special tree, and a small town in Colorado.”

The crew will film up to August 1 in various locations around Hope including Tuesday in front of District Hall, which will get also decorated for Christmas as will other parts of town being used as locations. The production will then move on to several local businesses including the Cat’s Meow Toy Store, Hope Mountain Cafe, the Kingpin Lounge and Kimchi Restaurant.

Some traffic delays may be experienced along Wallace Street and other downtown Hope streets for short periods – traffic will be stopped for three minutes at a time maximum according to the production crew.

The production is also seeking extras on various dates from July 20 through to the 31. Extras will be guaranteed four hours, yet should be prepared to work all day a notice states. The compensation is $15 per hour.

Those interested should send their picture, height, weight, age as well as a contact number and email address to ckp.casting@gmail.com

emelie.peacock@hopestandard.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Hope Standard