A polite pro-pooch protest in White Rock

Dog owners stage walk, say they want a park to call their own

A polite pro-pooch protest in White Rock

A small group of dog owners took their well-behaved pets for a walk around White Rock City Hall this (Sunday Feb. 12) afternoon.

It was a polite protest against the ban forbidding dogs on the city’s seaside promenade and an equally polite call for a dog park.

“We are going to have a friendly walk with the dogs on a leash so that we can show that people and dogs can get along together,” said organizer Eva Hompoth, who arrived with her “furry friend” Lola, a handsome-looking mid-sized canine with an affectionate disposition.

“We would like to have a little dog park if it’s possible,” Hompoth added.

“I know White Rock is a small community but it would be nice to have a little dog  park [because there are] a lot of seniors and a lot of people who don’t drive like me, and it’s really hard to socialize dogs without having that facility.”

About a dozen dogs and their owners took part in the noon-hour event.


Peace Arch News