Surrey-Whiterock MLA Gordon Hogg’s office just released information that is being welcomed by the many thousands of British Columbians opposed to the forced installation of wireless smart meters.
Mr. Hogg’s office reports that recently, energy minister Rich Coleman advised that individual home owners who continue to refuse installation of smart meters will not be forced to have one, “…if you say no and do not consent – that is the end of it….You will not be forced into having one or be in fear of it being installed when you are not at home.”
Policies for multiple family buildings and strata units have yet to be clarified.
The office advises that anyone who has a smart meter and suffers an existing medical condition should contact BC Hydro (, with a copy to Honourable Rich Coleman at, asking that the meter be replaced with a non-radiating analog. Individual MLAs should be copied, and it is expected that any further assistance would be available from them.
“I hope this will help to clarify the confusion regarding the refusal of a smart meter.
Last Wednesday, Minister Coleman advised me that individual home owners, who had not yet had a smart meter installed on their home, would not have to have one, says Gordon Hogg,
“For those home owners who have had a smart meter installed and have an existing medical condition, we are suggesting that they contact BC Hydro (Cc to Honorable Rich Coleman and ask that consideration be given to have their smart meter removed. They may also want to copy their MLA on the request.
Many thousands want their smart meters removed due to increased electricity bills, to the risk of fire, or to concern for security and the Coalition is gathering names. If you would like to add your name to this long and growing list, please email, subject line “Remove meter.”