Proposed conceptual plans for the housing development on Maitland St. (DYS ARCHITECTURE)

Proposed conceptual plans for the housing development on Maitland St. (DYS ARCHITECTURE)

Affordable housing project pitched for Port Alberni

Property needs rezoning first, city planner says

The City of Port Alberni is considering a new affordable housing project.

The Alberni Low Energy Housing Society (AVLEHS) has proposed an affordable housing development with 47 units for individuals, families and seniors on the vacant property on Maitland Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues. The land is part of the same field where the new Port Alberni Shelter is located.

READ MORE: New Port Alberni shelter opens on Eighth Avenue

The housing project will be “high quality and energy efficient,” said city planner Katelyn McDougall during a council meeting on Monday, Feb. 10.

“The proposed development would provide affordable housing and increase density in a central area of the city, which is great land use planning,” added McDougall.

The AVLEHS has already held more than one open house for the development, and neighbours have expressed concerns about parking. McDougall said the city is still in conversation with AVLEHS about parking.

READ MORE: Green housing project sparks interest in Port Alberni

Before a development permit can be issued, the property has to be rezoned for multi-family residential. Council gave first and second reading for this rezoning on Monday. Ron Paulson recused himself from voting, as he is on the board of directors with the AVLEHS.

A public hearing for the Maitland Family Housing Project will take place on Monday, March 9 at 6 p.m. at city hall.

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