After-school program grants available

RBC is now calling for after-school grant applications for the 2012-2013 school year.

  • Feb. 16, 2012 1:00 p.m.

Charitable organizations offering after-school programs have until mid-March to apply for a grant from RBC.

RBC is now calling for after-school grant applications for the 2012-2013 school year.

More than $2 million is offered in grants across Canada to fund first-time and renewed grant recipients.

Charitable organizations that offer after-school programs are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $40,000 funded by RBC Foundation.

Proposals must be submitted to RBC by March 12, and organizations that want to apply for an After-School Grant can download the application from RBC’s website at:

A panel of local citizens will review eligible proposals, and determine which organizations will receive grants. The complete list of after-school grant recipients will be finalized by early August.

RBC’s After-School Grants Program, now in its 14th year, was developed to support community-based after school programs that focus on keeping youth safe and positively engaged after classes end for the day.

Since 1999, RBC has provided grants to 227 after-school programs totaling more than $25 million.

For more information on this program, visit

– Office of John Duncan MP


Comox Valley Record