September was Community Foundations month in B.C., an initiative that aimed to educate British Columbians about the role these foundations play in supporting non-profits and charities in their communities.
Unlike charities, who collect donations for a particular cause, community foundations collect and invest endowments, then disperse the dividends as grants to local charities and non-profit organizations.
Port Alberni’s Community Foundation, which recently held its 24th annual general meeting, is hoping to build up its asset base in order to fulfill the needs of the community.
“We currently receive more requests for funds than we can generate, and therefore have to turn down some very worthwhile projects,” explained board chair Hugh Grist. “We would appeal to the more fortunate citizens of the Alberni Valley to consider making bequests to the Foundation, so that we can continue to help those less fortunate within our community.”
There are many ways to donate to the Community Foundation, including through cash or stock donations, life insurance and bequests and wills. For more information, visit
This year, the Alberni Valley Community Foundation celebrated 19 years of grant making. The recipients were given their awards on May 30, 2019. Grants, which are usually in the $500 to $5,000 range, help to support arts, culture and recreation, education, health and physical activity, seniors, social services and youth. The foundation will also consider requests from registered charities for program-related projects and capital projects (including construction, renovation or equipment purchases).
Discretionary Funding (total: $27,900):
Salvation Army (for summer breakfast/lunch for children)
Port Alberni Shelter Society (for greenhouse irrigation at the Shelter Farm)
Alberni Valley NeighbourLink Society (for elementary school Read and Feed breakfast program)
Special Olympics (for uniforms, equipment, facility rentals, comp. expenses)
Alberni Community and Women’s Services Society (televisions for Transition House)
Community Arts Council (garden renovations)
Parks and Recreation (Our Town event at Gyro Park)
CNIB (basic toolbox for blind or partially sighted in Port Alberni)
Maritime Heritage Society (totem carving program)
Trinity Lutheran Church (accessibility upgrade to hall)
Stroke Recovery Association (stroke recovery workshops)
Family Guidance
School Backpack Program
Designated Funding (total approx.: $5,300):
North Island College Port Alberni campus
Mark Mosher Memorial Fund (WVIIHS)
Doreen and Hugh Anderson Fund (SPCA)
Helen Ford Alberni District Historical Fund
Alberni Valley United Church
Jack and Aili Jowsey Fund (50 percent to ACAWS)
Abbeyfield Port Alberni
Alberni Athletic Association Fund
Bursary Funding (approx.: $4,450):
Gerry Stoutley Bursary Fund (VAST Educational Centre) – approx. $700 bursary
Alberni Valley United Church – approx. $750 bursary
Ralph and Lillah Rosseau Fund (ADSS) – one $1,000 bursary
E.J. Hughes Bursary Fund (ADSS) – two $1,000 bursaries
elena.rardon@albernivalleynews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter