All about employee wellness

Employee wellness focus of Panorama’s Wellness Literacy Committee this month

The weight room at Panorama Recreation Centre. This month, the importance of employee health and wellness is being explored by the Centre’s Wellness Literacy Committee.

The weight room at Panorama Recreation Centre. This month, the importance of employee health and wellness is being explored by the Centre’s Wellness Literacy Committee.

Panorama Recreation Centre’s Wellness Literacy Committee is encouraging employers to help keep their employees healthy this month.

The Wellness Literacy Committee was formed a couple of years ago and was the brainchild of Panorama’s Senior Manager Ian Hennigar, explained Lisa Sneek, the Marketing Coordinator for the rec. centre.

“He thought it would be a good program to help educate the public on a new topic each month that’s related to health and wellness,” Sneek said.

“We expanded the scope that the committee covers over the last year and we now generate our own in-house ideas every month as well as pair with community groups like the Canadian Diabetes Association and the B.C. Cancer Foundation. In the last few months we’ve covered topics like childhood obesity, cancer awareness with One Match and sun smart,” Sneek explained.

She added topics like childhood obesity often pair with new initiatives offered by the centre like the annual youth pass.

“Each month we come up with material and displays that are prominently displayed in the rec. centre so the public can better educate themselves on these health and wellness related topics.”

This month, the committee is focusing on Employee Wellness.

“There are so many advantages for employers when it comes to having healthy employees,” Sneek said.

“Right now we have about 35 companies who buy into our employee wellness program including places like Viking Air and B.C. Ferries,” she explained.

The program, Sneek continued, offers companies a group buy-in to offer employees access to Panorama’s facilities and programming for differing, sometimes discounted rates.

“The employer buys in, then they have people sign up for the program and they have a dedicated team leader for the program,” Sneek explained.

She added that the employers dedicating staff time to the program indicates their commitment and passion for keeping their employees healthy.

“A growing number of Canadian businesses have recognized that money devoted to employee health is a sound investment,” Sneek said.

“A review of 42 published studies of work site health programs showed a 28 per cent reduction in sick time, a 26 per cent reduction in health costs as well as increased productivity, focus and morale and decreased staff turnover.”

November will feature Diabetes awareness (pairing with the Canadian Diabetes Association) and December will see the committee and staff working on events and fundraising for charity.

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