Nanaimo city councillor Ian Thorpe looks on as Mayor Leonard Krog is first to sign the City of Nanaimo council code of conduct at Monday’s meeting at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre. GREG SAKAKI/The News Bulletin

Nanaimo city councillor Ian Thorpe looks on as Mayor Leonard Krog is first to sign the City of Nanaimo council code of conduct at Monday’s meeting at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre. GREG SAKAKI/The News Bulletin

All members of Nanaimo council sign new code of conduct

Document puts in writing foundational principles of responsible conduct

A new Nanaimo city council code of conduct now has the signatures of every member of council.

Mayor Leonard Krog and the other eight members of City of Nanaimo council signed the code of conduct at Monday’s meeting after adopting it at a committee of the whole meeting the week before.

“This reflects, I think, the commitment that was made by each of us when we ran for office and it was something that the City of Nanaimo and its citizens look forward to,” said Krog.

Coun. Ian Thorpe said he was signing the code of conduct with “no hesitation.”

The document was based on the aspects council liked best of code of conducts created by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and the City of Prince George. It puts in writing foundational principles of responsible conduct including integrity, respect, accountability, leadership and collaboration.

RELATED: Nanaimo city councillors developing code of conduct policy

The new Nanaimo council code of conduct posits that residents are entitled “to have a fair, ethical and accountable municipal council that has earned the public’s full confidence for integrity…

“In order to fulfill our obligations and discharge our duties, we are required to conduct ourselves to the highest ethical standards by being active participants in ensuring that these foundational principles, and the standards set out in the code of conduct, are followed in all of our dealings with other elected officials, staff, and the public.”

READ ALSO: Lantzville council considering code of conduct bylaw

READ ALSO: Nanaimo councillors called upon to sign code of conduct

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