TransLink SkyTrain. (Black Press Media)

TransLink SkyTrain. (Black Press Media)

‘Ambitious’ Transport 2050 plan unanimously green-lit by Metro Vancouver mayors

The plan aims to dramatically expand reliability, affordability and convenience of transit

The Mayors’ Council of Metro Vancouver voted unanimously in favour of a transit plan that will guide the future of transit in the region through to 2050.

The council met virtually on Thursday (Jan. 27) with board directors of TransLink to vote on approval for a Transport 2050 plan.

The plan outlines steps to make transit more affordable, convenient, reliable, safe and carbon-free.

“By 2050, active transportation and transit are competitive choices accounting for at least half of all passenger trips, with taxi, ride-hail and carshare accounting for most of the remaining passenger trips,” documents state.

While much of the plan outlines an expansion of TransLink services, it also relies on increasing cycling infrastructure and supporting walkable communities. Transport 2050 calls for a shift to “people-first” streets that prioritize active transportation like cycling and walking over driving. Those streets would be designed to give people easy access to rapid transit bus and train lines.

In a Tweet, Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart said by 2050 Metro Vancouver will see an additional 300km of rapid transit routes, an expanded bike network from 250km to 850km. He added that fares will be aligned with “people’s ability to pay” and frequent transit will be available within a five-minute walk for everyone in the region.

“We’ve got your back when it comes to transit. This is the plan to do it and we’re committed to delivering it,” Kennedy said during the council meeting.

Just a day before the plan was approved, the Big City Mayor’s Caucus of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities released a statement asking the federal government to cover projected transit shortfalls for this year, or risk major service reductions, postponed construction of new projects, and property tax hikes.

Federal Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities Dominic LeBlanc has not yet responded to the letter.

READ MORE: Future of transit at stake, Canada’s big-city mayors say in plea for federal funds

READ MORE: Surrey mayor says Surrey-Langley SkyTrain opening delay to 2028 is ‘disconcerting’

– With files from the Canadian Press


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