Watermain flushing is happening now and will wrap up in May. (Black Press Media file photo)

Watermain flushing is happening now and will wrap up in May. (Black Press Media file photo)

Annual Delta water main flushing on now

Flushing could cause discoloration and sediment in tap water

The City of Delta is now conducting its annual water main flushing.

According to a news release from the city, the flushing process may result in “dirty water” showing sediment and discoloration. Residents and property owners experiencing dirty water are advised to run the cold-water tap at the highest point in their premises for approximately 20 minutes, or until it clears.

Should the problem persist, call the city at 604-946-4141 or submit a call for service online at delta.ca/your-government/contact-us/talk-to-delta.

Water main flushing in North Delta is scheduled for the dates:

• Feb. 5 to March 5: 86th Avenue to 96th Avenue, between 116th Street and Scott Road

• Feb. 5 to March 5: 86th Avenue to 72nd Avenue, between 116th Street and Scott Road

• March 5 to March 25: 96th Avenue to 84th Avenue and River Road to 116th Street

• March 26 to April 15: 72nd Avenue to Clark Drive, between 116th Street and Scott Road

• April 16 to May 6: 84th Avenue to 72nd Avenue, between 116th Street and Nordel Way

• May 7 to May 21: 72nd Avenue to Kittson Parkway, between 116th Street and Westview Drive.

Water main flushing in South Delta is scheduled for the dates:

• Feb. 5 to March 11: 0 Avenue to 18th Avenue east of 56th Street, including Centennial Beach

• Feb. 5 to March 4: Ladner Trunk Road to River Road, from 68th Street to Georgia Street

• March 5 to March 26: Ladner Trunk Road between 55B Street and Church Street, south to 36th Avenue

• March 12 to April 8: 0 Avenue to 18th Avenue west of 56th Street, including Tsawwassen Beach

• March 27 to April 2: Ladner Trunk Road between 55B Street and Anderson Place, south to 28th Avenue

In some cases, these dates and locations may be altered due to unforeseen circumstances.

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