Giant’s Head and Trout Creek Elementary had potential exposure days of May 17 to 21. (Google Maps)

Another Summerland school has COVID-19

Giant's Head Elementary and Trout Creek Elementary had exposures on the same days

  • May. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Another Summerland elementary school has been added to the list of COVID-19 exposures.

Giant’s Head Elementary has been put on Interior Health’s school exposure list this weekend. The days for potential exposure are May 17 to 21.

Last week, Summerland’s Trout Creek Elementary had its first confirmed case of COVID-19 within their school community.

The potential days for exposure are also May 17 to 21.

Those who have tested positive are self isolating at home. It’s not known if there are more than one case within a classroom.

There are no other schools in SD67 with COVID-19 exposures at this time that are listed on Interior Health’s website.

A couple of weeks ago, Summerland experienced a surge in cases, prompting the health authority to host vaccination clinics at the arena for anyone who wanted one in that community.

READ MORE: Another Summerland school has COVID-19

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