Kamloops Christian School in Kamloops, B.C. (Google Maps)

Kamloops Christian School in Kamloops, B.C. (Google Maps)

Arrest made after fourth threat closes a Kamloops high school in nine days

Mounties have been chasing down a series of threats made to schools across Kamloops

  • Sep. 19, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Kamloops Mounties arrested one youth Thursday in connection to a threat made towards a local Christian school, marking the fourth threat made to a high school in the area in less than 10 days.

Kamloops RCMP said in a news release that officers were alerted by Interpol to a post on SnapChat showing a male youth holding two pistols and a threatening caption towards Kamloops Christian School.

In a Facebook post, Kamloops Christian School principal Sandro Cuzzetto said the school has closed for the day on a recommendation from the RCMP.

“I do apologize for the inconvenience this will create, but the safety of our students and staff is Paramount. Therefore, we are asking all students and employees of KCS to stay away from the school today. I will give more information as I get it,” Cuzzetto said.

Because of the age of the alleged offender, no more details are expected to be released about the incident.

“We are confident that we have the author of the threat in custody, and that there are no risks to the school staff or students at this time” said Staff Sgt. Mat Van Laer.

“These threats to school are very demanding on police resources and are taken very seriously. They also disrupt students, staff and parents. Anyone caught making such threat can be facing very serious consequences.”

On Wednesday morning, Sa-Hali Secondary school was placed under evacuation due to a threat.

On Sept. 10, another Sa-Hali Secondary student posted a “play-on-words” message on social media app Snapchat, threatening her school.

On Sept. 13, students and staff arrived at Valleyview secondary last Friday to find graffiti on the outside of the building referencing a bomb. Large pink letters reading “find the bomb” were scrawled on the west side of the high school, leading staff to call the Kamloops RCMP.

All three threats have been deemed not credible.

– with files from Kamloops This Week

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