Photo: Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue

Arson suspected in fire near the Old Trail Bridge

Crews were called to a fire on Casino Road Tuesday afternoon

A woman has been arrested as fire investigators probe a suspicious afternoon blaze beneath the Old Trail Bridge.

Minutes before 2 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25, Trail police and first responders with Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue were called to a fire at the camp located on Casino Road near the bridge.

A preliminary investigation carried out at the fire scene revealed that a tent and other items were allegedly lit on fire by the suspect.

A 49-year-old woman the RCMP report is from Trail, was taken into custody.

Police say no one was injured during the incident.

Witnesses to the fire, or anyone with additional information who has not yet spoken to police, is asked to call the Trail detachment at 250.368.2180.

Captain Grant Tyson, from the regional fire department, reports a crew of four from Station 374 Trail attended.

They were on scene within minutes and had the fire under control by 2:10 p.m.

He notes a tent and an array of personal belongings were destroyed by the fire.

This is the second suspicious fire Trail firefighters and police have attended in a week.

Last Tuesday, a fire was sparked near Trail city hall, burning underbrush and conifer trees.

Police and firefighters were also called to a case of arson in March, this one outside the former C.S. Williams Clinic in downtown Trail.

Read more: Quick response to potentially dangerous fire in downtown Trail

Read more: RCMP asking for witnesses to downtown Trail fire

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Trail Daily Times


Police and firefighters were called to a camp near the Old Trail Bridge on Tuesday afternoon when a woman allegedly lit this fire. Photo: Stephen Miller

Police and firefighters were called to a camp near the Old Trail Bridge on Tuesday afternoon when a woman allegedly lit this fire. Photo: Stephen Miller