The City of Penticton and Valley First are hoping to install a new, permanent outdoor sculpture in front of the Valley First at 184 Main St.
The city has issued a call for artists – local, national or international – to submit either completed sculptures or proposed designs for consideration. Proposed designs must include examples of previous work, as well as detailed drawings.
Applications will be accepted until Dec. 14, with the installation taking place May 3, 2019.
“It is good to see the momentum and progression of the sculpture walk and public art in general becoming a prominent focal point downtown”, said former Penticton Mayor, Andrew Jakubeit. The more we can celebrate public art and provide opportunities for artists, the better.”
“Valley First has a long history of partnering with the arts community in Penticton, as we see the great cultural benefit the arts bring to a community,” says Paulo Araujo, Vice President of Business and Retail Banking at Valley First. “This sculpture will be yet another enriching element to our recently updated downtown core. We are really proud to partner with the City and the arts community to see this come to reality.”
Additional criteria about applications and sculpture requirements can be found at online at All submitted sculptures will become part of the permanent Public Art Inventory of the City of Penticton.
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