B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth. (Tom Fletcher/Black Press)

B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth. (Tom Fletcher/Black Press)

B.C. issues first tickets for not checking COVID-19 vaccine cards

3 fines of $2,300 assessed, more coming, minister says

B.C. public safety and police have assessed three fines to bars and restaurants for not checking customers’ COVID-19 vaccine status, and more enforcement is coming, Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth says.

“I’m aware that there are those who think the rules don’t apply to them,” Farnworth told reporters at the B.C. legislature Monday. “The reality is that most restaurants and establishments are following rules.”

When a complaint comes in to local government staff that businesses aren’t complying, they have a system to follow that starts with education and can lead to $2,300 fines.

“When there is a complaint, they are able to forward those complaints the appropriate authorities, where they are collected and looked at by an interagency body within my ministry that comprises not just the ministry WorkSafeBC., but liquor and cannabis inspectors and others,” Farnworth said Oct. 4. “They assess the complaint and do an investigation. and they can decide on the appropriate level of enforcement. Enforcement for establishments or restaurants could be a $2,300 or loss of the liquor licence, or potentially the business licence.”

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