B.C. man flagging dog-poop bags discarded along trails

AP Hovasse sticks miniature flags bearing angry message in bags left by irresponsible owners

  • Apr. 27, 2021 12:00 a.m.

AP Hovasse has been planting flags in piles of dog poop around the Lower Mainland. (AP Hovasse Instagram)

Steaming mad after constantly finding full dog-poop bags discarded along Lower Mainland trails, a White Rock man is crying foul.

Photographer A.P. Hovasse, who often goes for walks searching for photo opportunities, said he was getting increasingly frustrated by what else he was finding in nature: leftovers from irresponsible dog owners.

He crafted a number of miniature flags, which he plants into the piles, as a way to bring attention to the issue.

“REALLY? WTF DOGWALKERS!” the flags read, along with photos of full dog poop bags. “Don’t be a jerk, take your s—- to the garbage can located nearby.”

SEE ALSO: Separate dog poop bins here to stay in Metro Vancouver regional parks

He shared what he was doing on social media, where it “kind of took off.” He’s since received requests for his flag design from people across Canada, in the U.K., and Florida.

“I’m going to be known as the dog poop guy for the rest of my life, my wife says.”

Hovasse said it’s “mind-boggling” that someone would pick up their dog feces in a plastic bag, then toss the bag on a trail.

“I felt powerless at the arrogance of these people,” he said.

Hovasse said he was surprised how quickly he went through the first five flags that he made.

“I thought I’m going to have these for weeks… I go to Boundary Bay, I park my car, and there’s like three garbage cans there and one of them is for dog poop. I walk 20 metres past there and there’s three bags,” he said.

“It’s disgusting.”

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