Qualicum First Nations chief Michael Recalma is grateful for Qualicum Beach councillor Scott Harrison (inset) for donating his kidney to him. (Submitted photo)

Qualicum First Nations chief Michael Recalma is grateful for Qualicum Beach councillor Scott Harrison (inset) for donating his kidney to him. (Submitted photo)

B.C. town councillor to donate kidney to Qualicum First Nation Chief

‘I really can’t express the feeling, because it’s such a gift and a sacrifice’

Qualicum First Nation Chief Michael Recalma’s long wait for a kidney replacement will soon be over.

Doctors diagnosed Recalma with kidney failure in 2018 – and a suitable donor has now come forward. That donor is Qualicum Beach Coun. Scott Harrison.

“When I first read the story in the PQB News (Oct. 14, 2020), I thought about the potential of being a donor for Michael because we share the same blood type,” said Harrison. “After debating things for about a week, I made the decision to go ahead.”

It has been a long process, said Harrison, who has been undergoing more than year of tests and occasional delays. He is happy a date has been set for the surgery to take place, Feb. 28 at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver.

READ MORE: Qualicum First Nation Chief has backing of community as he waits for kidney transplant

“The central challenges we face all require far more than what simple solutions can offer, and if we really want to solve them, we’re going to need to make sacrifices,” said Harrison. “I’m glad to have a chance to help our communities move forward in a good way, and I hope people take the time to think about what they can offer their community. One person doing something large changes the conversation, but large numbers of people doing something small creates a lasting change for the better.”

Recalma is currently on dialysis at home since doctors at St. Paul’s informed him of his health condition.

When Harrison informed him about donating a kidney, Recalma felt blessed.

“I really can’t express the feeling, because it’s such a gift and a sacrifice,” said Recalma, who is now undergoing preparations for the operation.


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