Back in Time

Back in Time

Historical Perspective

  • Mar. 14, 2019 12:00 a.m.


A Birch Island man was taken to Kamloops hospital for treatment after the truck he was driving was struck by an eastbound CNR freight train. The truck was demolished.

The TNRD passed a $105,188 budget, which was made up of tax requisitions, government grants and a surplus from 1968.

More than 40 sponsors supported Clearwater’s first walk-a-thon. The walk started at Centennial Park at Dutch Lake and ended in Little Fort. All proceeds went to building the Elks’ Hall.


The Ministry of Municipal Affairs appointed a representative for Clearwater on the TNRD.

School District 26 received a grant for a $100,000 debenture for the purchase of six portable classrooms and one 66-passenger bus.

Clearwater Elks Club members held a successful Show Boat. They had a casino and food sales, followed by a dance afterwards.

Doctor Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary was trying to raise $9,000 for a heart monitor.


Len Marchand, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-Cariboo and Minister of the Environment, announced a contract for alterations and additions to the RCMP detachment offices. Value of the contract was $150,000.

North Thompson Homemakers Service held its first orientation class in Clearwater. The non-profit group offered help to people in times of need.

Weyerhaeuser-Vavenby donated $100 to the North Thompson Arts Council for its 1979 program. The council, organized the previous October, was to serve the area from Barriere to Blue River.


Clearwater Secondary School Raiders senior boys basketball team finished second in the provincial championships (held at Cariboo College in Kamloops), losing to Langley in the final.


Royal Inland Foundation and Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital (DHMH) benefited to a total of more than $12,000 from an auction in Clearwater. DHMH Auxiliary president Pauline Gregory said she was amazed at the generosity of people of all ages.

Clearwater welcomed two new doctors, Ifor and Jennifer Thomas. “Everyone’s’ been asking if we’re here to stay,” said Ifor Thomas.


The North Thompson was rich with medals following the B.C. Winter Games in Smithers. Blue River’s Kerry Petch, 14, Tyler Wolf, 13, and Rainer Wolf, 39, won gold in the Natural Luge Team event. Tyler also scooped gold in the Junior Doubles, Kerry took silver in Junior Doubles, and Rainer took bronze in Senior Doubles.

Clearwater’s Dave Coleman, 14, won gold in the Natural Luge Team event, and silver in Junior Doubles. Barriere swimmer Erin Gammel won three gold and three silver medals.


Clearwater Improvement District was drilling a six-inch test shaft across from Dutch Lake beach. If the test well proved out, then a 16-inch operational well would be drilled nearby, said CID acting administrator Edie Kinzel. The new well would supplement the existing 12-inch well in Reg Small Park.

A team from Clearwater Secondary came first at the Regional Odyssey of the Mind competition, winning all three of their events. Members were Courtenay Hammerston, Emily Braaksma, Stefanie Willan, Chelsey Miller and Nicole Rushton.

Clearwater’s Sky Buck was named top defensive player at the B.C. AA basketball championships. His teammates included Jeremy Meehan, the provincial high champion, and Jay Pickering, Canadian high school wrestling champion. The Raiders placed fourth.


The Clearwater Elementary School Senior Band, made up of students from Dutch Lake Elementary and Raft River Elementary, won the chance to attend a national music festival in Toronto. Donors from all over the province were helping out.

A meeting in Clearwater gave overwhelming support to setting up a services committee for Area A (Clearwater-Vavenby). The Clearwater Action Committee picked “Wells Gray Country” as the new name for Area A.


Clearwater and area had an unusual amount of snow remaining on the ground for this time of year, but it was a different story in the high country according to information released by B.C. Ministry of Environment’s River Forecast Center. According to the Center, as of March 1, the snow water index for the North Thompson drainage was just 88 per cent of normal, down from 93 per cent on Feb. 1.

A tender was announced for asphalt surfacing on Highway 5 N from Preacher Hill Curves (also known as Pig Corner) to Bowden Road. “We are working to upgrade highways in this area to create a safer, smoother drive,” said Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Kevin Krueger. The project would begin at Highway 5 N in the Darfield area and continue north for 6.71 kilometers.


District of Clearwater was looking at wood heat for the former Dutch Lake School. A study indicated that payback time would be three to five years (with grants), said councillor Merlin Blackwell.

Jeff Lamond was re-elected as president of Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce. Others on the executive were vice-president Ron Plamondon, treasurer Joanne Ovenden, secretary Goldie Krawec, and directors Steve Planeta, Cheryl Thomas, Kevin Kershaw and Rhys Williams. There had been no Citizen of the Year banquet in 2013 because directors found themselves too busy, Lamond said.


Junior council representatives asked town council to consider installing a rainbow crosswalk near Clearwater Secondary School. “We believe that a crosswalk such as this will raise awareness for the LGBTQ community and will make members of said community feel more welcome and accepted in the community of Clearwater,” said a junior council representative.

District of Clearwater was to receive $65,000 to fund the development of an asset management investment plan for its water and sanitary systems from the federal Gas Tax Fund program.

Clearwater Times

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