A girl takes photos of the ‘Basmodi Wave’ protest outside of Surrey City Hall Saturday afternoon (March 13, 2021). It was one of 11 events happening across the Lower Mainland for the next several weeks to continue to draw attention to the farmers’ protests in India. (Photo: Lauren Collins)

‘Basmodi Wave’ rolls into Surrey to support Indian farmers

This is the third in a series of events across the Lower Mainland through to the end of April

Volunteers placed 200 shoes on the steps outside of Surrey City Hall Saturday afternoon (March 13) as part of the ‘Basmodi Wave.’

“We have placed 200 shoes … in memory of those who have lost their lives in peaceful protest in India,” said organizer Ishwinder Singh, adding the death toll has gone up and is now closer to 300.

“Please do stand for farmers,” he said. “They need our help in India.”

The protests are in response to three bills that were put forward to India’s government last September that would affect small business farmers.

READ ALSO: Thousands take part in second car rally in support, solidarity of farmers in India, Dec. 5, 2020

The ‘Basmodi Wave’ is a series of 11 events across the Lower Mainland to draw more attention to the ongoing farmers’ protests happening in India.

RELATED: ‘Basmodi Wave’ Indian farmers protests set for several Lower Mainland locations, March 5, 2021

“We are deeply concerned by how events have unfolded against peacefully protesting farmers and will hold this demonstration in support of the farmers,” states a press release from the Basmodi Team protest organization.

There are two others event planned for Surrey, with an outdoor prayer event on March 23 from 6 to 8 p.m. and a protest on April 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. Both will be at Bear Creek Park.

– With files from Ben Lypka

lauren.collins@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow Lauren on Twitter

Surrey Now Leader


Dozens of tractors rode down 104th Avenue in Whalley Saturday afternoon (March 13, 2021) as part of one of the ‘Basmodi Wave’ events happening across the Lower Mainland for the next several weeks to continue to draw attention to the farmers’ protests in India. (Photo: Lauren Collins)

Dozens of tractors rode down 104th Avenue in Whalley Saturday afternoon (March 13, 2021) as part of one of the ‘Basmodi Wave’ events happening across the Lower Mainland for the next several weeks to continue to draw attention to the farmers’ protests in India. (Photo: Lauren Collins)