In two previous referendums (2005 and 2009), the idea of electoral reform for BC was defeated – yet we are once again spending tax dollars to hold yet another referendum.
The reason we are having this referendum is that a segment of our electors are unhappy with the results of our elections – their candidate/party did not win.
No electoral system is perfect. So why not keep the simplest and easiest understood system – our current system.
I do not want a system that can result in voters from a different riding determining who my representative will be in the legislature.
I do not want fringe political groups holding the legislature at ransom while they try to advance their one issue cause.
I do not want BC to go down the same road as the separatists in Quebec by holding referendum after referendum in hopes that they will eventually get the result they want. We spoke once at the ballot box and that should have been enough.
Time to vote no again – – and not answer question #2 on the ballot.
Don Leben | Creston