The last 400 bear-proof garbage bins will be rolled out this spring. Keri Sculland/Star PhotoThe bear-proof garbage bins are a must to keep bears out of town. Keri Sculland/Star Photo

Bear bins required as weather warms

The Town is reminding people to make use of their bear bins now that the bears are back in town

  • Apr. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

As weather warms, wildlife is returning to town, with people taking to Facebook to warn of early signs of bears in town.

The Town of Golden is reminding residents to use their bear-resistant garbage bins to keep the community safer for both humans and wildlife by reducing incentives for bears to wander into town.

⁣ To use the bin, unclip the locking latch and place your garbage in the container. It’s important to remember to lock the bin up again after use.

Bins must be locked 24 hours a day, except for the morning of pick-up days.

⁣On the morning of your garbage pick-up day, bins can be left out between 6 and 8 a.m. and unlocked for collection.⁣

Once your garbage has been collected, bins should be locked up and put away.

The town asks that bins are secured and placed in a shed, garage or other enclosure., as a further layer of protection.

The Town of Golden will also be running its spring yard waste roundup on Thursday, April 22. Residents can place yard waste in containers, compostable bags or bundles at their regular curbside collection area before 8 a.m. on April 22 for free pickup.

Bagged yard waste must be in a compostable bag for pickup.⁣

No other types of waste will be accepted, including construction wood waste.

If residents wish to use their green garbage container, please ensure it does not contain garbage before adding yard waste.

For more information about curbside collection, including rules for using your bins, collection schedules and maps, visit⁣.

Golden Star