Bins are equipped with a lock box on the side for users to make a $4 per bag payment. (Sheri Regnier photo)

Bins are equipped with a lock box on the side for users to make a $4 per bag payment. (Sheri Regnier photo)

Bear-proof bins available in Trail

From now until the fall, one bear-proof bin is located in Sunningdale, the other in Glenmerry

  • May. 27, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Bears can become a big nuisance this time of year as they are often attracted to bagged garbage that has been left in easily accessible outdoor trashcans.

To help with this issue, the City of Trail asks all residents to store their garbage in a secure place until their scheduled collection day.

For those who don’t have access to a secure area, the City of Trail and local non-profit agency Natural Control Alternatives Society (NCA) have set up two communal bear-proof garbage bins for the public’s use.

One bin is placed in Sunningdale at the end of Hazelwood Drive (near the pump-house), and the other is located at the City Public Works yard, located at 3370 Highway Drive in Glenmerry.

The bins are available now until late fall.

This is an additional service to curb side garbage pickup and users are asked to make a $4 per bag payment in the secure money collection box located on the front of the bins.

The fees will help offset the tipping and maintenance fees that will be incurred by the City of Trail and NCA.

Cooperation is appreciated in helping communities stay bear safe. For inquiries, please contact the city’s Engineering Department at 250.364.0825 or Scott Leyland of NCA at 250.231.6436.

Trail Daily Times