The Town of Qualicum Beach has posted a warning to its website and Facebook page that there was a bear sighting near the Qualicum Beach Community Park behind the civic centre Tuesday (June 5).
The notice states that in an effort to avoid human-bear encounters, residents should: remove all bear attractants from yards such as bird feeders; do not put out garbage/food waste until morning of pick-up; do not leave pet food outside; and harvest fruit as soon as it ripens/remove fallen fruit from the ground.
The Qualicum Beach Bear Smart guide says to keep garbage away from bears, do not disturb or feed bears, give them space and do not approach for a photograph or better look.
To report a bear sighting where public safety is at risk, call a conservation officer at 1-877-952-7277.
For more information on the Bear Smart Community Program or the Bear Smart BC Society, contact Crystal McMillan at
— NEWS Staff/Town of Qualicum Beach