Bike to Work BC is gone and has been replaced with GoByBikeBC but the wheels keep rolling.
This year’s campaign, the first under the new name, encourages you to pull out your two-wheeler and ride not just to work but to wherever you are headed from Oct. 15 through Oct. 29.
“The idea behind our new fall, two-week event is to promote ‘going by bike’ in fall and winter, instead of taking your car, whether you bike to yoga, to shop, to meet friends or to work, school or anywhere,” says GoByBikeBC’s executive director, Penny Noble. The Society, formerly known as Bike to Work BC has changed its mandate, name and look to encourage cycling as a means of transportation whatever the purpose of the trip.
“A fall event is something we have wanted for a few years, in addition to our traditional spring Bike to Work and School Week,” says Noble. “Thanks to funding from Island Health and the Province of B.C.; and a sponsored trip from Exodus Travels, we can now make the fall event a reality for 2018.”
There are perks to riding your bike during the campaign and they aren’t limited to getting a car off the road or becoming more fit and active. If you register with and are 19 or over you will be entered to win the grand prize, an eight-day trip “cycling through the dazzling landscapes of Italy’s biggest island, Sicily.”
The event’s opening ceremony was Oct. 15 at City Square in Duncan.
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