Bird count 2010

On Dec. 27, over 40 people enjoyed a mild sunny day counting birds for the annual Christmas Bird Count.

  • Jan. 12, 2011 6:00 a.m.
The American Kestrel was among the many species of bird counted during December’s annual bird count.  The Black-capped Chickadee was the least shy bird, 1,140 counted. In total there were 3,879 birds counted with 48 separate species.

The American Kestrel was among the many species of bird counted during December’s annual bird count. The Black-capped Chickadee was the least shy bird, 1,140 counted. In total there were 3,879 birds counted with 48 separate species.

On Dec. 27, over 40 people enjoyed a mild sunny day counting birds for the annual Christmas Bird Count.

A total of 48 different species were seen and 3,879 birds counted on the day. Unusual Christmas birds were a male American kestrel and a ruby-crowned kinglet. New to the count were four Eurasian collared doves — an introduced species that is fast becoming a common sighting.

Other highlights included three owl species, four chickadee species and six different woodpeckers.

Numbers of finches were low, but otherwise numbers are in line with previous years.

Seen in count week, but not on count day, were a blue grouse and a sharp-shinned hawk.

If anyone remembers seeing any other species not recorded here, please contact Rosamund at 250-847-9429.

Thanks go to all the birders and BV Naturalists for organizing a great count.

Smithers Interior News