Bob Day is making another run for the mayor’s job in by-election. (File photo)

Bob Day is making another run for the mayor’s job in by-election. (File photo)

Bob Day making another run for mayor of Lake Cowichan

Day has served 10 years as town councillor

Bob Day wants the opportunity to lead in Lake Cowichan.

The former councillor, who served the town for 10 years before losing his bid to be mayor to Rod Peters in the municipal elections in 2018, is, so far, running only against former mayor Ross Forrest in the byelection scheduled for Oct. 24.

Peters resigned in July for personal reasons.

Day said, first of all, he would like to thank Rod Peters for his service as mayor of the town.

“I fully understand and support his reasons for resigning and wish Rod, Karen and their family all the best going forward,” he said.

“I look forward to engaging with as many people as possible in the weeks leading up to the byelection. The campaign period begins Sept. 26, and the town will be hearing more from myself on why I wish to be their mayor after that.”

Day said he’s in the process of planning his platform for the campaign, but he has some thoughts on what type of mayor he would like to be, and the community he wants to lead.

“I feel it’s time for a more modern style of leadership, and I will be expressing my views on a number of other issues, including the town’s planning,” he said.

“I’ll have more to say when the campaign officially begins on Sept. 26. I’ve spent 10 years on council and I’m looking forward to my second attempt to be mayor of Lake Cowichan.”

Day also has a lot of experience at another level of government, representing Lake Cowichan as its director (and vice-chairman) on the Cowichan Valley Regional District for a number of years.

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