Break in at Edgewater school

Columbia Valley detachment RCMP report for the week of September 7.

The Columbia Valley RCMP received 50 calls for service from August 23 to 30. They included: six driving complaints, 11 general assistance files, seven lost and found complaints, one fraud, five other criminal code calls, two abandoned 911, one drug file, five break and enter files, one assault, two bylaw files, two impaired files, and seven accidents.

August 25

• At 5 a.m. the Columbia Valley RCMP responded to a break and enter at the Mountainside Market in Fairmont Hot Springs. It was reported that the alarm had gone off 25 to 45 minutes prior. Upon attendance it was noticed that the front sliding door glass had been smashed out with a rock.

A 24 of Kokanee beer was taken as well as several quarts of Smirnoff Vodka. Upon review of the surveillance footage it appears that two males entered through the broken glass and grabbed the liquor. Both males had bandanas covering their faces. Both were skinny and wearing long style shorts with t-shirts on. They appeared to be 5’8″ to 5’10” tall. The males then left in an older model mini van. This file is still under investigation.

August 26

• Columbia Valley detachment received a report that a collision had occurred a couple days earlier when a pickup towing a trailer had some debris flying out of the back of the trailer.  A big metal cabinet flew out of the trailer and hit a vehicle following the truck and trailer on the road.  Fortunately there was only damage to the rental vehicle and no injuries or further collisions as a result of the insecure load.  This file is still under investigation.


August 27

• Columbia Valley RCMP responded to a two vehicle collision that occurred just after 8 p.m. on 7th A Avenue near 15th Street in Invermere.

The complainant reported that one lane was partially blocked and that two vehicles had been damaged. The driver of the Jeep Liberty stated that she had noticed a vehicle travelling partially in her lane coming towards her. She tried to avoid the vehicle but was struck on the driver’s side.

The female driver of a Mercedes 190E stated that she had picked up her phone to check a phone call and drifted into the oncoming lane where the Jeep was struck. There were no injuries but the combined estimate of damage is in excess of $5,000 from the side-swiping. The driver of the Mercedes was  issued a violation ticket under the Motor Vehicle Act  for use of an  electronic device.

• Members of the Columbia Valley RCMP were on a boat patrol on Lake Windermere. At approximately 4 p.m. the members were boating northbound approximately 3km south of Pete’s Marina in the middle of the lake. It was observed that a smaller fishing boat was driving in a zig zag pattern.

The boat was white/yellow with a small outboard motor on it. It was further noted that the persons were not wearing any life jackets. It also appeared that there were no life jackets in the boat at all. Members approached the boat and the driver was spoken to. It was immediately noted that the operator had a very strong slurred speech. The operator stated that he had been drinking all day then, said that he had four beer.

The RCMP officer formed the opinion that the operator’s ability to operate a motor vessel was impaired by alcohol. The operator was detained for impaired operation of a vessel and transported to the Columbia Valley police detachment. Two breath samples were obtained of 280 and 270 mg/per cent, which is well over three times the legal limit.  His first court appearance will be in Invermere, November 22.

• A black Mazda with B.C. plates was observed travelling at a high rate of speed on a flat stretch of road, just south of Dry Gulch Provincial Park on Hwy 93/95.

The officer on patrol estimated the vehicle’s speed at more than 130 km per hour. Radar was utilized and a speed of 135 km per hour in a 90 km zone was recorded. It was noted that the speed sign was visible.

The vehicle was stopped and the driver spoken with. The driver was advised that he was  stopped for excessive speeding and that his vehicle would be impounded for seven days.

The driver said he knew he was going way too fast and that he really “fished up.”  The driver was worried that he was going to lose his licence as he was a new driver. His vehicle was towed and a $368 fine was laid.

August 28

• An Edgewater resident noticed an open door and a broken window on the south side of the Edgewater Elementary School building. Members of the Columbia Valley RCMP responded. In addition to the broken window a television was broken in the library and two different sets of dusty foot prints (from a size 10 or 11 shoe) were left on a map.

The window on the door to the main office was broken, as well as the window to the storage room and the principal’s office. The only article taken was a gum ball machine which was located outside the building. RCMP officers noted multiple blood drops on the ground in the hallway and a small amount of blood on a piece of window. The piece of window was seized as well as two blood samples taken.


August 29

• Columbia Valley RCMP conducted a traffic stop for an investigation of impaired driving at the corner of 12th Avenue and 2nd Street in Invermere, and stopped the driver of a Chevrolet pickup.

The driver stated that he had left his driver’s license at home and when this was checked, the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles indicated that the driver had been a prohibited driver as of August 22.  The driver was charged under Section 95 of the Motor Vehicle Act, driving while prohibited and issued an appearance notice to attend court.

• RCMP were notified that a business had been broken into on Alpine Road in Windermere. Upon arrival it was found that the front door to the shed had been pried open as well as a second door inside.

A five-gallon jerry can filled with mixed fuel was stolen. Also missing is a 171 red power saw and a green power drill. Total value of stolen property is approximately $1,000.

Invermere Valley Echo

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