Building blip explains district December dip

Construction in Coldstream appears to have taken a dive in December. But the numbers are deceiving

Construction in Coldstream appears to have taken a dive in December. But the numbers are deceiving.

A total of three permits were issued with a construction value of just over $1 million for December 2015. This compares to 16 permits and construction value of more than $6 million for the same month in 2014.

“I think 2014 was a bit of an anomaly,” said Coun. Richard Enns.

As building official Bob Bibby explains, December 2014 was unusually high due to proposed changes in the Building Code that would apply in 2015.

“A number of contractors submitted applications in December in order to have the old code requirements apply to their projects,” said Bibby, in his report to council.

Overall, the number of housing units in 2015 is down by half from last year, but total permits issued is almost the same as 2014, and very close to the average of the past 10 years.

“The average number of single family dwellings over the past five years is 35, so we are four units under average for 2015,” said Bibby.

“Average total of new housing units (single and multi-family) over the past five years is 43, so at 36 we are just under the average for 2015.”


Vernon Morning Star