The brown paper-wrapped books are on display in the library. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Burns Lake Public Library offering blind dates with books

The library hopes to encourge reading with the initiative

  • Mar. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Burns Lake Public Library has launched a new initiative to encourage the community to read and discover new books.

The library is calling the initiative “Fabulous First Lines.” The library has put together a collection of books, wrapped in brown paper, with a single line pasted on top of the book. The one-liners on top of the books are the first line of the book. Usually, when people are browsing for books, they look to the back cover for a short summary of the book to decide whether or not pick up the book or select based on the title, cover or the author. This initiative encourages readers to choose a book simply based on the first line, while the title and author would continue to remain a mystery until they unwrap the book.

The library has been putting together a number of such initiatives, especially since the pandemic first started. It was one of the first libraries in the Province to implement Curbside Service when the lock-downs were first initiated last year in March.

Later in May, the library, in partnership with the Link Garden & Greenhouse and Burns Lake Community Garden Society, put out vegetable garden starter kits for the community. The library staff put together over 50 kits of basic garden seeds and seed potatoes.

The library also renovated its children’s books section and unveiled the new children’s library, the MacEwen Children’s library after a $42,000 funding from Burns Lake Rotary Club/MacEwen Committee last year. The theme for the children’s library is enchanted forest with massive murals and three-dimensional trees created by local artists.

“The key is to create an environment, where a love for reading is nurtured from as young an age as possible. Imagination is stimulated with what is taken in through the eyes. If the eyes are registering an environment of color, texture, forests, and magical beings, the brain is already kick started into the realms of creative thinking,” said Monika Willner, the library director.

The library also ran a contest for naming the tree and the dragon in the library and at the time of going to press, there were quite a few entries.

Since the second week of February, the library has updated its hours. The library is now open on Tuesday and Wednesday between 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Saturday between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It will now offer curbside service on Thursday and Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

To participate in the library’s latest initiative, patrons can select books either through the library’s Facebook page or by visiting the library in person where the books are kept on display.

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist

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