Canada Day plans ignite in Lumby

Village council has decided to work with community groups to reinvigorate July 1 activities

Canada’s birthday is a priority in Lumby.

Village council has decided to work with community groups to reinvigorate and expand this year’s Canada Day festivities.

“We want to bring in a few new events to increase the involvement,” said Coun. Randal Ostafichuk.

“Instead of heading to Vernon, we can encourage people to stay right at home. The more we offer, the longer people will stay and the more fun they will have.”

Some of the suggestions for July 1 are entertainment, a sandcastle contest in the volleyball court and a cook-off.

Mayor Kevin Acton supports the village getting directly involved in the celebration.

“I got a little frustrated with Canada Day last year,” he said.

“Attendance was low so mayor and council need to put more into it. We really want to ramp it up for Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017 and keep it going.”


Vernon Morning Star