Keahna Ingram and her baby Osheahna Sekel have won the Parent Life Network Luckiest Baby Contest, taking home more than $50,000 in prizes.

Keahna Ingram and her baby Osheahna Sekel have won the Parent Life Network Luckiest Baby Contest, taking home more than $50,000 in prizes.

Canada’s luckiest baby lives in Castlegar

Keahna Ingram and her baby Osheahna Sekel have won the Parent Life Network Luckiest Baby Contest, taking home more than $50,000 in prizes.

Canada’s luckiest baby lives in Castlegar.

Osheahna Sekel, who was born in April, won Canada’s Luckiest Baby contest. Her parents Keahna Ingram and Jake Sekel received the news on Sunday at a baby shower at Millennium Park, but the surprise wasn’t just for them. Most of their family and friends didn’t know until they arrived that the baby shower was really an opportunity for contest organizers to inform the couple they’d won the contest and the grand prize.

The surprise was almost given away when a photo of the Castlegar Super 8 taken by the contest team ended up on social media, but Ingram was still surprised.

“My friend and I had talked last night and we figured that it was somebody in the area but we didn’t know,” she said.

Asked how surprised she was when she came around a bend in the path to see her friends and family holding up a Canada’s Luckiest Baby banner, she said, “Incredibly.”

The prize package is awarded through a draw and includes a $20,000 RESP, a $2000 shopping spree for kids clothes, a seven-day family vacation in Mexico, a $5000 Home Hardware gift certificate, a new stroller, up to three new car seats, $4500 in toys, kitchen appliances worth over $5000, a $4500 tech bundle, $5000 in cash, a new vacuum and high-quality fan, and a trampoline.

The Parent Life Network launched the Canada’s Luckiest Baby contest in the fall of 2014 and has since rewarded four babies and their families with grand prize packages meant to help make parenting a little easier. The network is sister to the student life network, which holds the Canada’s luckiest student contest. For details visit and


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